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Google Ads is an exceptional platform to help grow your business.

Not only can it get your company seen on the front page of Google search results, but as of more recently, Bing and Yahoo! too.

ads-trends-for-cosmeticGoogle Ads is attractive to many different business types on many different budgets. This is because it is extremely scalable! Someone new to Google Ads can start out small and grow their budget alongside the return on investment being given back month-over-month. Others, may chose to rely on an established agency with a proven track record to manage larger budgets.

Many companies have gained success using Ads exclusively for driving leads, while others see it as one of many tools to their lead driving strategy. The truth is, it can work both ways!

At AdLuge we track Ads Key Performance Indicators (KPI) across many different industries. We’ve evaluated the performance of our clients who run Google Ads campaigns to see how their search marketing affects lead generation and overall business growth.

The following report contains data analyzed from just over 50 cosmetic surgery practices across North America and the UK. Our results show industry trends over four months between March and June, 2016. Using this data to compare your practice to others can give you insight into how your company compares to the industry average.


Mike Landry

Industry Specialist
AdLuge Marketing Intelligence

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