Google Authorship WordPress Plugins Compared

Organic Search 20th, Jun 2013


Google Authorship is a system in which you can identify specific writers on the internet. Authors can sign up via their Google+ profiles and can have their content linked directly to show their body of work. It’s a powerful network for finding writers who can specialize in what you do and can also have a great impact on your link building capabilities. It allows you to find great authors from a variety of different subjects and can build the authority of a particular writer on your blog.

Why Provide Links?

Because Google Authorship is a great way to provide links to your authors it can produce followers on your Google+ and link to your other social media profiles. This can in turn introduce readers to a ton of other original content that could otherwise remain hidden.

Another advantage is that writers are more likely to contribute to your pages if you’re providing them with Google Authorship opportunities. This means that they have the ability to increase their visibility and have more exposure.

WordPress Plugins

With a large amount of bloggers rushing to adopt Google Authorship, there is a need to implement easily embedded Authorship options into WordPress based blogs. Luckily there are a couple of plugins that allow you to embed Authorship capabilities with little to no aversion.

The first of these is WordPress Google Plus Authorship. It’s a simple plugin that offers the basic capabilities of implementing Google Authorship. This includes the ability to post a URL directly to your page back to your Google+ profile. It works for multiple authors and is extremely easy to implement.

Another plugin is the AuthorSure WordPress plugin. AuthorSure can insert Authorship links automatically, locations and can also produce brand logo’s on Google search pages. In addition once you’ve signed up for the plugin you can make use of their resources through a series of tutorials.

Our third plugin Fancier Author Box is a plugin developed by ThematoSoup. Like the developers name suggests, this plugin affords you the ability work in some aesthetically pleasing author box design themes that are sure to catch readers eyes. The plugin allows you to customize colour and design boxes that are sure to stand out. Another feature Fancier Author Box offers is simple social media integration right in your author box. Link extremely easily to your Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others.

Our last plugin is Google Author Link. Google Author Link offers you an option to set the author for your WordPress home page. This can be advantageous if your blog doesn’t feature guest bloggers and has one significant contributor. You also have the ability to link your whole page within your Google+ profile.

Authorship is a great program that can help you either be found by websites needing bloggers. Or help you find the right writer for the job. By using our suggested plugins on your WordPress blog, you can be well on your way to utilizing the whole strength of Google Authorship.

By: Steve Toth
Marketing Performance Management

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