20 Ways WordPress Users Can Reduce Bounce Rate

Ebooks 8th, Aug 2013


Does your blog suffer from high bounce rates? Does it have trouble engaging and maintaining readership? It’s a problem we hear all the time at AdLuge. Bloggers will say to us “I write 4 blogs a week and always keep my blog up to date! Why aren’t I seeing any engagements, why don’t I have any conversions?”

Despite our advice always being content, content, content! As well as recommending WordPress users utilize their the software to the fullest, there’s some method to the madness in the blogosphere. We’ve seen it time and time again, there most certainly is a proper way to keep browsers coming back for more and all of the best blogs exhibit these same characteristics.

At AdLuge, we make it our mandate to understand the pangs of our users. Our marketing intelligence experts constantly meet to discuss the types of issues experienced by marketers in all facets of business. Throughout our brainstorming sessions the topic of blog management would continually resurface. We wanted to approach the issue in a simple, intuitive manner. One that wouldn’t be littered with tech talk or too high level. So I set out to compile a guidebook. A play by play manual for WordPress users to get their blog bounce rate lowered and have their readership involved and waiting with bated breath for their next entry.

What we ended up with was our new eBook that AdLuge is pleased to present. It’s called “20 Ways WordPress Users Can Reduce Bounce Rate”  and I truly believe this eBook cannot only help your blog lower it’s bounce rate, but in turn convert your prospects from curious browsers to loyal followers. This can mean the difference down the road in making a conversion, keeping your brand on top of the game or climbing the ranks to become a source of trusted expertise.

This eBook will educate you on the basics of WordPress and teach you how to drive traffic to your blog and reduce the rate of bounce with the use of some easy to use WordPress plugins. In addition, it discusses some fundamental blogging basics from design, flow and content, to speeding up load times on your blog. Myself, along with the expert content specialists from AdLuge, have compiled an easy to follow, straightforward approach for you to improve the quality of your blog.

If you’re experiencing high bounce rates and low reader engagement isn’t it time to try something new? Let the experts at AdLuge coach you through the fundamentals of WordPress for blogging and increase your traffic with our 20 simple suggestions. Download our eBook today and get on your way to lowering your bounce rate and growing your brand.

Click here to download your free copy of our latest eBook!

By: Tyson Huggins

9 thoughts on “20 Ways WordPress Users Can Reduce Bounce Rate”

  1. Great ebook with useful and actionable strategies to get that bounce rate down. It’s nice to see someone provide some strategies that go beyond the standard “write better content” that everyone else focuses on.

    1. Thanks for the input Nikolay, while proper interaction is vital to improving bounce rate it’s definitely not the only way! You have to take into consideration things such as speed, design and linking to other pages within your blog.

  2. I am brand new to the world of WordPress blogging. I have recently launched a blog site which I intend to affiliate market health products. I even purchased the “genesis” theme from StudioPress. I am so over my head as far as web design goes I can’t even activate my theme with the technical support walking me through it. I can pay someone to design my site but it would cost me thousands of dollars. Would this blog be able to assist or teach me anything about that?

    1. It’s definitely a great place to start. Our eBook discusses some WordPress fundamentals and more importantly some easy to use plugins that can get you on your way.

  3. I have to point out that Search Engine Optimization plays a huge role but to achieve a high rank, all these 20 points have to be taken into consideration. I am talking about “20 Ways WordPress Users Can Reduce Bounce Rate”.

  4. Bounce rate measure nature of traffic you are gaining. We must also give importance to ‘Stagnation Rate'(depending upon the session) this will be important factor for eCommerce sites. This will plainly indicate that clients who came into purchase something, are not equipped to effectively finish their assignments.

    Making an altered experience for these set of clients can enhance client experience on the site.

    The Ebook is very helpful Tyson, Thanks!

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